I went to a Casino tonight. And not the Indian kind. American Indians...not the kind with the dots on their heads. The kind who wear headdresses and invented Thanksgiving. Not the kind who make naan and hummus, the kind who live on reservations and drink too much. The kind that will give you a pay day loan. Not the kind that use a lot of curry in their food and where dresses they call apologies. The kind who dance half-naked in front of fires and drink peyote...or eat it? What is peyote? I know what alcohol is and I know what happens when you drink too much of it. Ha ha...so do Indians! Not the Indians that answer phones for AT&T. The kind that cry when their land is stolen and have a bunch of tribes that are all named after Casinos.
So I went to a casino! Not the Indian kind. The kind that the state owns to help give money to black children. Is Casino capitalized? Sometimes I want to capitalize it and sometimes I don't. I am not a writer, so I don't know every word that is supposed to be capitalized. I mean, it isn't as if there is some kind of rule. You just have to memorize the words that need to be capitalized. And that is a lot of work for someone like me. Not that I am afraid of a lot of work. I just don't like it or want to do it. It's not like a spider that I jump away from. It just isn't something I want to do. Carole has to work. I don't think anyone has to work if they don't want to. But she says she does because she wants attention. Carole always wants attention. I mean, who doesn't I suppose. But Carole is boring and her work is boring and her shoes are boring. She likes brown shows. I like pink shoes. Most of my pink shoes have bows on them but some have diamonds on them. The diamonds are fake but sometimes I lie and say they are real. I like the attention.
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